Sunday, August 28, 2011

The year 23

I never wanted to be 23.... And I'm 23. It has been an interesting year already...
So I have this new job... I'm a children's director at a church. I honestly didn't want the job when I applied. In fact, I fought God about it for three months until the previos director told me to apply... And even then I applied for the youth position instead. I think this made God laugh a little because He was going to make me the children's minister anyway. That being said my summer was a roller coaster ride. It's been weird seeing all my younger friends take big time music jobs and kids my age going to grad school at both USC's and Northwestern. My best friend from high school is getting married and my college one moved to New York... and I'm still in the same town I went to college in working a part time job. So to be honest I have to remind myself that this is the right job... and this past week as shown it! I just got to get over this awkward year of life.
Farming is hard. Our ducks ran away and I am surprisingly sad. We lost 17 chickens this year and almost lost a goat. Our watermelon hasn't produced. Farming us hard... And I am sad we can't grow beets :(

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